Error: Unknown border line style

I get this error when I try to convert the attached document to pdf. I use Aspose.Words


Public Shared Function ConvertWordToPDF(ByVal inputFilename As String) As MemoryStream Using inputstream As FileStream = File.Open(inputFilename, FileMode.Open)
Return ConvertWordToPDF(inputstream)
    End Using
End Function

Public Shared Function ConvertWordToPDF(ByRef inputStream As Stream) As MemoryStream Dim info As FileFormatInfo = FileFormatUtil.DetectFileFormat(inputStream)
Dim stream As New MemoryStream()
    Dim doc As New Document(inputStream)
    Dim shapes As NodeCollection = doc.GetChildNodes(NodeType.Shape, True)

    ' Loop through all shapes.
    For Each shape As Shape In shapes
        ' If shape contains a vector image, convert it to raster image.
        If shape.HasImage AndAlso (shape.ImageData.ImageType = ImageType.Wmf OrElse shape.ImageData.ImageType = ImageType.Emf) Then
            Using vectorImageStream As New MemoryStream(shape.ImageData.ImageBytes)
                Using image As System.Drawing.Image = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(vectorImageStream)
                    Using resterImageStream As New MemoryStream()
                        image.Save(resterImageStream, ImageFormat.Png)

                    End Using
                End Using
            End Using
        End If
        doc.Save(stream, SaveFormat.Pdf)

    Catch ex As Exception
        doc.Save(stream, SaveFormat.Pdf)

    End Try
    Return stream
End Function


Thank you for reporting this problem to us. I managed to reproduce the problem on my side. Your request has been linked to the appropriate issue. You will be notified as soon as it is resolved.
Best regards,

The issues you have found earlier (filed as 20441) have been fixed in this update.

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