Error when converting doc to pdf

I am running version Attached is a document which is generated using an Aspose mailmerge process. When I then try and save it as a PDF, I receive the error message:
“Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object”.
Please can you help?
Thank you,

It sounds like you haven’t closed the document before convertion. Otherwise check document’s properties for more information and read the documentation.
Cheers dude,

Read the documentation?
The coding I am using works for every other document I produce & convert, so don’t believe my coding is incorrect:

Document doc = new Document("test.doc");

Thanks for your request. Your code is correct.
I managed to reproduce the problem on my side. Your request has been linked to the appropriate issue. You will be notified as soon as it is fixed.
Best regards,

The issues you have found earlier (filed as WORDSNET-4309) have been fixed in this .NET update and in this Java update.

This message was posted using Notification2Forum from Downloads module by aspose.notifier.