Error when converting powerpoint slides to an output folder that do not exist


During conversion for word document, if the output folder do not exist, program will create the output folder and drop the converted file in it.

However, when converting powerpoint slides, if output folder do not exist, there will be an error.

Why is there inconsistency between file types?
Which one is the correct one?

Steps to Reproduce:

Convert a word document to an output folder that do not exist.
Conversion successful. No error.

Convert a powerpoint document to an output folder that do not exist.
Error occur.

Thanks and regards


Your observation is correct. Aspose.Slides look for directory and throw error when unable to find the required directory. This issue has been logged into our system with ID SLIDESNET-40041 for further investigation. We will update you here once there is some information or a fix version available in this regard.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as ) have been fixed in this update. This message was posted using BugNotificationTool from Downloads module by MuzammilKhan