Hello, I want to add the Aspose.Words for C++ libraries to a Qt Creator project but I get errors and I don’t know what to do. I am using the following version of Qt Creator:
The code of the .pro file
The code of the .cpp file
The tree of the project files (I copied the library into the project)
It should be added that there are 3 folders and 3 files in the main root of the project
I have tried to follow the steps given, but it has not helped me much:
I think I have problems in the step of including external libraries, although it may be another error.
Hello. I’ve seen just one issue. It is needed to change the directory Release to Debug in path in line 19 In file TestQt.pro.
If it will not help, please send the errors that you encounter during compilation.
These are the errors I get when compiling
We resolved just one step. Qt Creator could not find library. Now, Qt finds library but could not link one.
I’ve also got these errors. In my case path to Qt project included not latin symbols. I just changed path. But looks like here is some another problem. I’ll try to investigate it.
As an assumption. The linking error may be caused by the linker trying to link a 64-bit library to a 32-bit project. You can make sure that you have a 64-bit project
If you could help me I will be very grateful to you, because I have been trying many times, but I couldn’t find a solution.
Hello. Unfortunately, I was unable to reproduce the error. I also remembered that I was replacing the $$PWD variable with the real path, and then back.
That is, it is necessary to change $$PWD in line 19 and 26 to D:\Biblioteka\Desktop\TestQt and try to rebuild the project. Then, if everything is compiled, this path can be changed back to $$PWD. Also, you can try \ and / as separated symbols in path.