Error when loading DGN files


I was trying to load some DGN files when I noticed only V7 is supported.

I got some DGN v7 and tested them out, but I get an exception.

Here is my code

string filePath = @""; // My Path
CadImage doc = doc = (CadImage)Aspose.CAD.FileFormats.Dgn.DgnImage.Load(filePath);

This is the error:

This are some sample (4.0 KB)

The samples are from Autodesk free sample set.

please, try to use

DgnImage doc = doc = (DgnImage)Aspose.CAD.FileFormats.Dgn.DgnImage.Load(filePath);


I still get an error:

please accept my apologies, this one should be correct:

DgnImage doc = (DgnImage)Aspose.CAD.Image.Load(filePath);


I am still getting an error:

I am using version 23.8. Are you using another version where it works for you?

could you please test if this sample works on your side? (232.9 KB)


Yes, it works, but can you try using the .NET Framework version and not the .NET Core, please.

My error happens on my .NET Framework example.

please, test the attached sample. (954.1 KB)


Thank you so much for the help!!

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we were happy to help :slight_smile: