Error when PutRecord more than 2 columns

Hi Admin,

I have followed the SalesByCategory demo, and just added more columns to the table.
However, I got the following error

[NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.]
Aspose.Pdf.PdfText.Z4.E27(A4 textWriter, Int32 fontsPointer)
Aspose.Pdf.PdfText.a237b4.A69(A4 textWriter, String fileName, String fontName, Int32 fontsPointer, Int32 enc, Boolean embed, Boolean isBold, Boolean isItalic, String truetypeFontFilename, Boolean isUnicode)
Aspose.Pdf.PdfText.g4.A35(A4 textWriter, Int32 fontsPointer, String fontName, Int32 enc, String fileName, Int32 embed, Boolean isBold, Boolean isItalic, String truetypeFontFilename, Boolean isUnicode)
Aspose.Pdf.PdfText.X4.A25(A4 textWriter, String fontName, String encoding, Int32 embed, Boolean isBold, Boolean isItalic, String truetypeFileName, Boolean isUnicode)
Aspose.Pdf.PdfText.A4.g0(String editionName, String licenseName, String fontName, String encoding, Int32 embed, Boolean isBold, Boolean isItalic, String truetypeFileName, Boolean isUnicode)
Aspose.Pdf.Xml.h7.B35(G6 gen, Pdf doc, Text text, Int32 pageNumber)
Aspose.Pdf.Xml.n7.C41(G6 gen, Pdf doc, Text text, Int32 pageNumber)
Aspose.Pdf.Xml.D7.C3(G6 gen, Pdf doc, Row row, Cell cell, X7 page)
Aspose.Pdf.Xml.c7.C30(G6 gen, Pdf doc, Row row, X7 page)
Aspose.Pdf.Xml.m7.C40(G6 gen, Pdf doc, Table table, X7 page)
Aspose.Pdf.Xml.Y7.A26(G6 gen, Pdf doc, X7 page)
Aspose.Pdf.Xml.J7.A11(G6 gen, Pdf doc)
Aspose.Pdf.Xml.K7.C12(G6 gen, Pdf doc)
Aspose.Pdf.Pdf.Save(HttpResponse response)
ERP.WebFormInventoryReport.Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) in D:\Project\ERP\Apps\Web\InventoryReport.aspx.vb:28
System.Web.UI.Control.OnLoad(EventArgs e)

If I cut the number of column back to two, it works ok.
I can’t get it work for other number of columns. I have tried many different scenarios, still don’t know why. Do you have any idea? Thanks for your help!

Here is my code of vb and xml.

Imports Aspose.Pdf

Public Class ERPInventory

Public Function GetInventoryReport() As Pdf
Dim pdf As Pdf = New Pdf()
Dim path As String
path = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings(“ReportXMLPath”)

Dim xmlFile As String = path & “\XML\InventoryReport.xml”
pdf.BindXML(xmlFile, Nothing)

Dim section As Section
section = pdf.Sections(“section1”)
Dim dataText As Text
dataText = CType(section.Paragraphs(“Date”), Text)
Dim seg1 As Segment
seg1 = dataText.Segments(0)
Dim dt As DateTime
dt = DateTime.Now
seg1.Content = dt.ToString(“d”, DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo)

Dim objUtilDB As New ERPMaster.ERPUtilDB()
Dim nCount As Integer
Dim n As Integer
Dim strWarehouseName As String
Dim ds As DataSet
Dim OnReceivingQty As String
Dim OnHandQty As String
Dim AvailableQty As String
Dim OnDamageQty As String
Dim OnHoldQty As String
Dim InTransitQty As String
Dim ItemCode As String

ds = objUtilDB.SqlToDataSet(objUtilDB.WarehouseSQL)

nCount = ds.Tables(0).Rows.Count()

For n = 0 To nCount - 1

Dim isFirst, b1 As Boolean
isFirst = True

strWarehouseName = Convert.ToString(ds.Tables(0).Rows(n).Item(1))

Dim dr As SqlDataReader
dr = objUtilDB.SqlToDataReader(“SELECT * FROM ERPStockBalance WHERE WarehouseCode = '” & Convert.ToString(ds.Tables(0).Rows(n).Item(0)) & “’”)

Dim table1 As Table
table1 = Nothing

While dr.Read()
If (isFirst) Then
If (n = 0) Then
b1 = True
b1 = False
End If
table1 = NewTable(pdf, strWarehouseName, b1)
End If

ItemCode = Convert.ToString(dr.GetValue(0))
OnReceivingQty = Convert.ToString(dr.GetValue(2))
OnHandQty = Convert.ToString(dr.GetValue(3))
AvailableQty = Convert.ToString(dr.GetValue(4))
OnDamageQty = Convert.ToString(dr.GetValue(5))
OnHoldQty = Convert.ToString(dr.GetValue(6))
InTransitQty = Convert.ToString(dr.GetValue(7))

PutRecord(pdf, table1, ItemCode, OnReceivingQty, OnHandQty, AvailableQty, OnDamageQty, OnHoldQty, InTransitQty)
isFirst = False
End While

Return pdf

End Function

Private Function NewTable(ByVal pdf As Pdf, ByVal WarehouseName As String, ByVal isFirst As Boolean)
Dim section As Section
section = pdf.Sections(0)
Dim title As Text
title = New Text(section)
Dim seg1Title As Segment
seg1Title = New Segment(title)
seg1Title.Content = WarehouseName
seg1Title.TextInfo.FontName = “MingLiU”
seg1Title.TextInfo.FontSize = 16
seg1Title.TextInfo.TruetypeFontFileName = “c:/winnt/fonts/mingliu.ttc,0”
seg1Title.TextInfo.IsUnicode = True
If (Not isFirst) Then
title.IsFirstParagraph = True
End If

Dim g1 As Graph
g1 = New Graph(section)
g1.GraphWidth = 930
g1.GraphHeight = 10
g1.Margin.Top = 10

Dim l1 As Line
l1 = New Line(g1)
l1.PositionArray = New PositionArray()
l1.PositionArray.Length = 4
l1.PositionArray(0) = 0
l1.PositionArray(1) = 5
l1.PositionArray(2) = 930
l1.PositionArray(3) = 5
l1.GraphInfo.LineWidth = 4
l1.GraphInfo.Color.ColorSpaceType = ColorSpaceType.Gray
l1.GraphInfo.Color.GrayColorSpace = New GrayColorSpace()
l1.GraphInfo.Color.GrayColorSpace.GrayValue = 204

Dim table1 As Table
table1 = New Table()
table1.Margin.Top = 20

Dim row1 As Row
row1 = NewRow(table1)
row1.Border = New BorderInfo()
row1.Border.Bottom = New GraphInfo()
row1.Border.Bottom.Color.ColorSpaceType = ColorSpaceType.Gray
row1.Border.Bottom.Color.GrayColorSpace = New GrayColorSpace()
row1.Border.Bottom.Color.GrayColorSpace.GrayValue = 204

Dim cell1 As Cell
cell1 = row1.Cells(0)
Dim text1Cell1 As Text
text1Cell1 = New Text(section)
Dim seg1Text1Cell1 As Segment
seg1Text1Cell1 = New Segment(text1Cell1)
seg1Text1Cell1.Content = “Item Code:”
seg1Text1Cell1.TextInfo.FontName = “MingLiU”
seg1Text1Cell1.TextInfo.FontSize = 12
seg1Text1Cell1.TextInfo.TruetypeFontFileName = “c:/winnt/fonts/mingliu.ttc,0”
seg1Text1Cell1.TextInfo.IsUnicode = True

Dim cell2 As Cell
cell2 = row1.Cells(1)
Dim text1Cell2 As Text
text1Cell2 = New Text(section)
Dim seg1Text1Cell2 As Segment
seg1Text1Cell2 = New Segment(text1Cell2)
seg1Text1Cell2.Content = “On Receiving Qty:”
seg1Text1Cell2.TextInfo.FontName = “MingLiU”
seg1Text1Cell2.TextInfo.FontSize = 12
seg1Text1Cell2.TextInfo.IsUnicode = True
seg1Text1Cell2.TextInfo.TruetypeFontFileName = “c:/winnt/fonts/mingliu.ttc,0”

Dim cell3 As Cell
cell3 = row1.Cells(2)
Dim text1cell3 As Text
text1cell3 = New Text(section)
Dim seg1Text1cell3 As Segment
seg1Text1cell3 = New Segment(text1cell3)
seg1Text1cell3.Content = “On Hand Qty:”
seg1Text1cell3.TextInfo.FontName = “MingLiU”
seg1Text1cell3.TextInfo.FontSize = 12
seg1Text1cell3.TextInfo.IsUnicode = True
seg1Text1cell3.TextInfo.TruetypeFontFileName = “c:/winnt/fonts/mingliu.ttc,0”

Dim cell4 As Cell
cell4 = row1.Cells(3)
Dim text1cell4 As Text
text1cell4 = New Text(section)
Dim seg1Text1cell4 As Segment
seg1Text1cell4 = New Segment(text1cell4)
seg1Text1cell4.Content = “Available Qty:”
seg1Text1cell4.TextInfo.FontName = “MingLiU”
seg1Text1cell4.TextInfo.FontSize = 12
seg1Text1cell4.TextInfo.IsUnicode = True
seg1Text1cell4.TextInfo.TruetypeFontFileName = “c:/winnt/fonts/mingliu.ttc,0”

Dim cell5 As Cell
cell5 = row1.Cells(4)
Dim text1cell5 As Text
text1cell5 = New Text(section)
Dim seg1Text1cell5 As Segment
seg1Text1cell5 = New Segment(text1cell5)
seg1Text1cell5.Content = “On Damage Qty:”
seg1Text1cell5.TextInfo.FontName = “MingLiU”
seg1Text1cell5.TextInfo.FontSize = 12
seg1Text1cell5.TextInfo.IsUnicode = True
seg1Text1cell5.TextInfo.TruetypeFontFileName = “c:/winnt/fonts/mingliu.ttc,0”

Dim cell6 As Cell
cell6 = row1.Cells(5)
Dim text1cell6 As Text
text1cell6 = New Text(section)
Dim seg1Text1cell6 As Segment
seg1Text1cell6 = New Segment(text1cell6)
seg1Text1cell6.Content = “On Hold Qty:”
seg1Text1cell6.TextInfo.FontName = “MingLiU”
seg1Text1cell6.TextInfo.FontSize = 12
seg1Text1cell6.TextInfo.IsUnicode = True
seg1Text1cell6.TextInfo.TruetypeFontFileName = “c:/winnt/fonts/mingliu.ttc,0”

Dim cell7 As Cell
cell7 = row1.Cells(6)
Dim text1cell7 As Text
text1cell7 = New Text(section)
Dim seg1Text1cell7 As Segment
seg1Text1cell7 = New Segment(text1cell7)
seg1Text1cell7.Content = “In Transit Qty:”
seg1Text1cell7.TextInfo.FontName = “MingLiU”
seg1Text1cell7.TextInfo.FontSize = 12
seg1Text1cell7.TextInfo.IsUnicode = True
seg1Text1cell7.TextInfo.TruetypeFontFileName = “c:/winnt/fonts/mingliu.ttc,0”

Return table1

End Function

Private Function NewRow(ByVal table1 As Table) As Row
Dim row2 As Row
row2 = New Row(table1)
row2.Padding = New MarginInfo()
row2.Padding.Top = 5
row2.Padding.Bottom = 5

Dim row2Cell1 As Cell
row2Cell1 = New Cell(table1)
row2Cell1.FitWidth = 130

Dim row2Cell2 As Cell
row2Cell2 = New Cell(table1)
row2Cell2.FitWidth = 130

Dim row2cell3 As Cell
row2cell3 = New Cell(table1)
row2cell3.FitWidth = 130

Dim row2cell4 As Cell
row2cell4 = New Cell(table1)
row2cell4.FitWidth = 130

Dim row2cell5 As Cell
row2cell5 = New Cell(table1)
row2cell5.FitWidth = 130

Dim row2cell6 As Cell
row2cell6 = New Cell(table1)
row2cell6.FitWidth = 130

Dim row2cell7 As Cell
row2cell7 = New Cell(table1)
row2cell7.FitWidth = 130

Return row2

End Function

Private Sub PutRecord(ByVal pdf As Pdf, ByVal table1 As Table, ByVal strItemCode As String, ByVal strOnReceivingQty As String, ByVal strOnHandQty As String, ByVal strAvailableQty As String, ByVal strOnDamageQty As String, ByVal strOnHoldQty As String, ByVal strInTransitQty As String)
Dim section As Section
section = pdf.Sections(0)
Dim row1 As Row
row1 = NewRow(table1)

Dim cell1 As Cell
cell1 = row1.Cells(0)
Dim text1Cell1 As Text
text1Cell1 = New Text(section)
Dim seg1Text1Cell1 As Segment
seg1Text1Cell1 = New Segment(text1Cell1)
seg1Text1Cell1.Content = strItemCode
seg1Text1Cell1.TextInfo.FontSize = 12
seg1Text1Cell1.TextInfo.FontName = “MingLiU”
seg1Text1Cell1.TextInfo.TruetypeFontFileName = “c:/winnt/fonts/mingliu.ttc,0”
seg1Text1Cell1.TextInfo.IsUnicode = True

Dim cell2 As Cell
cell2 = row1.Cells(1)
Dim text1Cell2 As Text
text1Cell2 = New Text(section)
Dim seg1Text1Cell2 As Segment
seg1Text1Cell2 = New Segment(text1Cell2)
seg1Text1Cell2.Content = strOnReceivingQty
seg1Text1Cell2.TextInfo.FontSize = 12
seg1Text1Cell2.TextInfo.FontName = “MingLiU”
seg1Text1Cell2.TextInfo.TruetypeFontFileName = “c:/winnt/fonts/mingliu.ttc,0”
seg1Text1Cell2.TextInfo.IsUnicode = True

Dim cell3 As Cell
cell3 = row1.Cells(2)
Dim text1cell3 As Text
text1cell3 = New Text(section)
Dim seg1Text1cell3 As Segment
seg1Text1cell3 = New Segment(text1cell3)
seg1Text1cell3.Content = strOnHandQty
seg1Text1cell3.TextInfo.FontName = “MingLiU”
seg1Text1cell3.TextInfo.FontSize = 12
seg1Text1cell3.TextInfo.IsUnicode = True
seg1Text1cell3.TextInfo.TruetypeFontFileName = “c:/winnt/fonts/mingliu.ttc,0”

Dim cell4 As Cell
cell4 = row1.Cells(3)
Dim text1cell4 As Text
text1cell4 = New Text(section)
Dim seg1Text1cell4 As Segment
seg1Text1cell4 = New Segment(text1cell4)
seg1Text1cell4.Content = strAvailableQty
seg1Text1cell4.TextInfo.FontName = “MingLiU”
seg1Text1cell4.TextInfo.FontSize = 12
seg1Text1cell4.TextInfo.IsUnicode = True
seg1Text1cell4.TextInfo.TruetypeFontFileName = “c:/winnt/fonts/mingliu.ttc,0”

Dim cell5 As Cell
cell5 = row1.Cells(4)
Dim text1cell5 As Text
text1cell5 = New Text(section)
Dim seg1Text1cell5 As Segment
seg1Text1cell5 = New Segment(text1cell5)
seg1Text1cell5.Content = strOnDamageQty
seg1Text1cell5.TextInfo.FontName = “MingLiU”
seg1Text1cell5.TextInfo.FontSize = 12
seg1Text1cell5.TextInfo.IsUnicode = True
seg1Text1cell5.TextInfo.TruetypeFontFileName = “c:/winnt/fonts/mingliu.ttc,0”

Dim cell6 As Cell
cell6 = row1.Cells(5)
Dim text1cell6 As Text
text1cell6 = New Text(section)
Dim seg1Text1cell6 As Segment
seg1Text1cell6 = New Segment(text1cell6)
seg1Text1cell6.Content = strOnHoldQty
seg1Text1cell6.TextInfo.FontName = “MingLiU”
seg1Text1cell6.TextInfo.FontSize = 12
seg1Text1cell6.TextInfo.IsUnicode = True
seg1Text1cell6.TextInfo.TruetypeFontFileName = “c:/winnt/fonts/mingliu.ttc,0”

Dim cell7 As Cell
cell7 = row1.Cells(6)
Dim text1cell7 As Text
text1cell7 = New Text(section)
Dim seg1Text1cell7 As Segment
seg1Text1cell7 = New Segment(text1cell7)
seg1Text1cell7.Content = strInTransitQty
seg1Text1cell7.TextInfo.FontName = “MingLiU”
seg1Text1cell7.TextInfo.FontSize = 12
seg1Text1cell7.TextInfo.IsUnicode = True
seg1Text1cell7.TextInfo.TruetypeFontFileName = “c:/winnt/fonts/mingliu.ttc,0”

End Sub

End Class

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

Page $p of $P

Inventory By Warehouse

Appreciated all your help!


Dear Kimmomo,

Thanks for your consideration.

Please download the hot fix 1.4.2 and try again.


After putting the new hot fix. I got the following error.

[EntryPointNotFoundException: Unable to find an entry point named B69 in DLL User32.dll.]
Aspose.Pdf.PdfText.a237b4.B69(IntPtr hwnd) +0
Aspose.Pdf.PdfText.a237b4.F69(A4 textWriter, String fontName, Int32 fontsPointer, Boolean isBold, Boolean isItalic, String truetypeFontFilename, Boolean isUnicode)
Aspose.Pdf.PdfText.a237b4.A69(A4 textWriter, String fileName, String fontName, Int32 fontsPointer, Int32 enc, Boolean embed, Boolean isBold, Boolean isItalic, String truetypeFontFilename, Boolean isUnicode)
Aspose.Pdf.PdfText.g4.A35(A4 textWriter, Int32 fontsPointer, String fontName, Int32 enc, String fileName, Int32 embed, Boolean isBold, Boolean isItalic, String truetypeFontFilename, Boolean isUnicode)
Aspose.Pdf.PdfText.X4.A25(A4 textWriter, String fontName, String encoding, Int32 embed, Boolean isBold, Boolean isItalic, String truetypeFileName, Boolean isUnicode)
Aspose.Pdf.PdfText.A4.g0(String editionName, String licenseName, String fontName, String encoding, Int32 embed, Boolean isBold, Boolean isItalic, String truetypeFileName, Boolean isUnicode)
Aspose.Pdf.Xml.h7.A35(Pdf doc, Section currentPart, Table table, Row row, Cell cell, Text text, String content, AssignInfo assignInfo, Z7 useType)
Aspose.Pdf.Xml.n7.B41(Pdf doc, Section currentPart, Table table, Row row, Cell cell, Text text, AssignInfo assignInfo, Z7 useType, Boolean isFirst)
Aspose.Pdf.Xml.e7.B32(Pdf doc, Section section, AssignInfo assignInfo)
Aspose.Pdf.Xml.I7.A8(Pdf doc)
Aspose.Pdf.Xml.K7.C12(G6 gen, Pdf doc)
Aspose.Pdf.Pdf.Save(HttpResponse response)
ERP.WebFormTesting1.Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) in D:\Project\ERP\Apps\Web\WebFormTesting1.aspx.vb:28
System.Web.UI.Control.OnLoad(EventArgs e)

It seems doesn’t work!


Dear Kimmomo,

Thanks for your consideration.

I am sorry that the hot fix can’t work. I have updated the hotfix, please download again.

After putting the hot fix, I can’t load my application, and got the following error

Source Error:

Line 256:
Line 257:
Line 258:
Line 259:
Line 260:

Source File: c:\winnt\\framework\v1.1.4322\Config\machine.config Line: 258

Assembly Load Trace: The following information can be helpful to determine why the assembly ‘Aspose.Pdf’ could not be loaded.

=== Pre-bind state information ===
LOG: DisplayName = Aspose.Pdf
LOG: Appbase = file:///C:/Project/ERP/Apps/Web
LOG: Initial PrivatePath = bin
Calling assembly : (Unknown).

LOG: Policy not being applied to reference at this time (private, custom, partial, or location-based assembly bind).
LOG: Post-policy reference: Aspose.Pdf
LOG: Attempting download of new URL file:///C:/WINNT/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v1.1.4322/Temporary ASP.NET Files/erp/25235b2a/6e99078c/Aspose.Pdf.DLL.
LOG: Attempting download of new URL file:///C:/WINNT/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v1.1.4322/Temporary ASP.NET Files/erp/25235b2a/6e99078c/Aspose.Pdf/Aspose.Pdf.DLL.
LOG: Attempting download of new URL file:///C:/Project/ERP/Apps/Web/bin/Aspose.Pdf.DLL.
LOG: Publisher policy file is not found.
LOG: No redirect found in host configuration file (C:\WINNT\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\aspnet.config).
LOG: Using machine configuration file from C:\WINNT\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\config\machine.config.
LOG: Post-policy reference: Aspose.Pdf, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=716fcc553a201e56

Please Advise!


Dear Kimmomo,

Sorry for any confusion as it is caused by a very rare obfuscation bug.

Would you be patient to try to download it again at

Please let me know if it works NOW!


Try the hot fix again, and got the following error.

Line 25:
Line 26: pdf = objReport.GetInventoryReport()
Line 27: pdf.Save(Response)
Line 28: Response.End()
Line 29:

Source File: C:\Project\ERP\Apps\Web\InventoryReport.aspx.vb Line: 27

Stack Trace:

[NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.]
ek.b(fb A_0, Int32 A_1)
eh.a(fb A_0, String A_1, String A_2, Int32 A_3, Int32 A_4, Boolean A_5, Boolean A_6, Boolean A_7, String A_8, Boolean A_9)
n.a(fb A_0, Int32 A_1, String A_2, Int32 A_3, String A_4, Int32 A_5, Boolean A_6, Boolean A_7, String A_8, Boolean A_9)
dc.a(fb A_0, String A_1, String A_2, Int32 A_3, Boolean A_4, Boolean A_5, String A_6, Boolean A_7)
fb.a(String A_0, String A_1, String A_2, String A_3, Int32 A_4, Boolean A_5, Boolean A_6, String A_7, Boolean A_8)
ev.a(av A_0, Pdf A_1, Text A_2, Int32 A_3)
cb.a(av A_0, Pdf A_1, Text A_2, Int32 A_3)
bo.a(av A_0, Pdf A_1, Row A_2, Cell A_3, au A_4)
ds.a(av A_0, Pdf A_1, Row A_2, au A_3)
bm.a(av A_0, Pdf A_1, Table A_2, au A_3)
c.a(av A_0, Pdf A_1, au A_2)
ee.a(av A_0, Pdf A_1)
al.a(av A_0, Pdf A_1)
Aspose.Pdf.Pdf.Save(HttpResponse response)
ERP.WebFormInventoryReport.Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) in C:\Project\ERP\Apps\Web\InventoryReport.aspx.vb:27
System.Web.UI.Control.OnLoad(EventArgs e) +67
System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() +35
System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain() +731

Please Help,


More Information, If I comment out the number of cells in NewTable and PutRecord function down to 2. It works ok.

Still can’t get my first report to work. ;(


Dear Kimmomo,

Thanks for your consideration.

I am sorry for that. But I need time to fix this bug. Please wait for several days.


Is there any other way I could generate the report before waiting for the hot fix.
For me, I just want to generate a unicode code report, doesn’t matter what way to do it.
Is the issue only for unicode code? or apply to all?


Dear Kimmomo,

Thanks for your consideration.

This bug is a unicode bug. When there are too many paragraphs contain unicode characters, the error occurs. I think it’s impossible for you to generate your report if you use unicode.

I will fix this bug as quickly as I can.


Just wondering would there be any tentative schedule date for the hot fix?


P.S. need to finish the evaluation and decide which tool to purchase asap. thx

Dear Kim,

It’s about 1-2 days. OK?

Dear Admin,

That’s sound great!
Looking forward to your release, and continuing my evaluation.


Dear Kim,

Please check Hot Fixes for Release 1.4 for the fix.