Error when saving file

Here’s my code:

private void CreateAcquisitionLogReport(Excel excel)




this.txtBeginDt.Text = this.txtBeginDt.Text + " 00:00";

this.txtEndDt.Text = this.txtEndDt.Text + " 23:59";

string designerFile = System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get(“AsposeFile”);



//Insert workgroups selected into Ref_corp_cage_log_rpt


Worksheet sheet = excel.Worksheets[“Acq Log by Deal ID”];

sheet.Name = “Acq Log by Deal ID1”;

Cells cells = sheet.Cells;

//Set the Grand Total formula to nothing

sGrandTotal = “”;

int currentRow = -1;


int styleIndex;

Aspose.Excel.Style style;

styleIndex = excel.Styles.Add();

style = excel.Styles[styleIndex];

style.Font.IsBold = true;

style.Number = 7;

//For each deal get the list of rows

if(dataTbl.Rows.Count > 0)


for(int i = 0; i < this.dataTbl.Rows.Count; i ++)


DataRow dealRow = this.dataTbl.RowsIdea;

string sFilter = dealRow[“DEAL_ID”].ToString();

//Need to write the deal ID to the screen to show the

//user that the app has not stopped responding.


currentRow += 3;

string startCell = excel.GetCellName(currentRow,11);

cells.ImportDataTable(dataTbl2, false, currentRow, 0);

Range range = cells.CreateRange(currentRow, 1,1,4);

range = cells.CreateRange(currentRow + 1, 1, dataTbl2.Rows.Count, 1);

range = cells.CreateRange(currentRow + 1, 4, dataTbl2.Rows.Count, 1);

currentRow -=1;

cells[currentRow,10].Formula = “”;

currentRow += dataTbl2.Rows.Count;

string endCell = excel.GetCellName(currentRow,11);

//Add styles to make the sub-totals bold

cells[currentRow + 1,10].PutValue((string)“SUM”);

if(dataTbl2.Rows.Count > 0)


cells[currentRow + 1,11].Formula = “=sum(” + startCell + “:” + endCell + “)”;


//Add the style to the sub-totals

cells[currentRow + 1, 10].Style = style;

cells[currentRow + 1, 11].Style = style;

sGrandTotal = sGrandTotal + cells[currentRow + 1,11].Name + “+”;


//Need to add a grand total

cells[currentRow + 3, 10].PutValue((string)“GRAND TOTAL”);

cells[currentRow + 3, 11].Formula = “=sum(” + sGrandTotal + “)”;

cells[currentRow + 3, 10].Style = style;

cells[currentRow + 3, 11].Style = style;

//Auto fit rows

for(int i = 0; i < dataTbl.Rows.Count+1; i++)




sheet.PageSetup.PrintTitleRows = “$1Embarrassed1”;

sheet.PageSetup.SetHeader(1, "&“Tahoma,Bold” &12 " + "Acquisition Report By Deal ID\rFrom " + txtBeginDt.Text + " to " + txtEndDt.Text);

///Remove the rest of the sheets

for(int i = 0; i < excel.Worksheets.Count ; i ++)


sheet = excel.WorksheetsIdea;

if(sheet.Name != “Acq Log by Deal ID1”)



i --;



excel.Save(“AcqLogbyDealID1.xls”, SaveType.OpenInBrowser, FileFormatType.Default, this.Response);



//Just open the report so the user can see there is no data


for(int i = 0; i < excel.Worksheets.Count ; i ++)


sheet = excel.WorksheetsIdea;

if(sheet.Name != “Acq Log by Deal ID1”)



i --;



excel.Save(“AcqLogbyDealID1.xls”, SaveType.OpenInExcel, FileFormatType.Default, this.Response);

///Remove the rest of the sheets



catch(Exception ex)


throw new Exception(“Create Acquisition Log Report”,ex);



Here is my error:

An Error Occurred On /315C01/wfrmCriteria.aspx

Exception of type System.Web.HttpUnhandledException was thrown.

Create Acquisition Log Report

Errors in Excel Save method

Index was outside the bounds of the array

Thank you!

Could you try to remove the following code to see what will happen?
if(sheet.Name != "Acq Log by Deal ID1")



i --;


And could you send your designer file to me? Thanks.

It deleted all the worksheets from the excel workbook. Then nothing was saved or was visible when excel was loaded.

Have you had a chance to look at the designer file? I have looked at every thing I could think of to get this to work. This is the last outstanding issue for the project.

Thank you for your time and assistance.

Please send your designer file tom me, I will investigate it.

I know those code is used to remove extra worksheets. I meant to see what would happen if you didn’t delete those worksheets. Could you have a try? Thanks.