Error when saving to Excel 2007 (with


I know that you have handle some saving problems in Excel 2007.

Seems that some occurs :

When trying to save I get this error :

System.InvalidCastException: Unable to cast object of type 'System.Int32' to type 'System.String'.
at Aspose.Cells.?.?()
at Aspose.Cells.?.get_?()
at Aspose.Cells.ASeries.get_Values()
at Aspose.Cells.OpenXML.?.?(XmlTextWriter ?, ASeries ?, Int32 ?)
at Aspose.Cells.OpenXML.?.?(XmlTextWriter ?, ? ?)
at Aspose.Cells.OpenXML.?.?(XmlTextWriter ?)
at Aspose.Cells.OpenXML.?.?(XmlTextWriter ?)
at Aspose.Cells.OpenXML.?.?(XmlTextWriter ?)
at Aspose.Cells.OpenXML.?.?(? ?)
at Aspose.Cells.OpenXML.?.?(? ?)
at Aspose.Cells.OpenXML.?.?()
at Aspose.Cells.OpenXML.?.?()
at Aspose.Cells.Workbook.Save(Stream stream, FileFormatType fileFormatType)
at Aspose.Cells.Workbook.Save(String fileName, FileFormatType fileFormatType)

The file is generate in memory so I can't give you something (I can save it to another format).



Thank you for considering Aspose.

Since you are using an older version of Aspose.Cells for .NET, so you may face some problems regarding Excel 2007 file formats, please try the attached latest version in which we have fixed a lot of issues and enhanced the features regarding MS Excel 2007 file formats.

If you still face any problem, please share you sample code or create a sample console application and post it here. We will figure it out soon.

Thank You & Best Regards,