Using the attached input file we’re trying to delete the last column of this table. Aspose throws an error (below) because there is a merged cell in the first row of the table. We do not want to delete the merged row, just the column which should be removed from the merged range. In PowerPoint you can delete a column and it will remove from the merged range. Is it possible to achieve this behavior using Aspose?
public void foo46()
var deck = new Presentation(@"C:\Data\temp\merge.pptx");
var slide = deck.Slides[0];
var table = slide.Shapes[0] as ITable;
table.Columns.RemoveAt(2, false);
deck.Save(@"C:\Data\temp\merged2.pptx", SaveFormat.Pptx);
Aspose.Slides.PptxEditException : Some of column’s cells lay outside column.
at Aspose.Slides.ColumnCollection.RemoveAt(Int32 firstColumnIndex, Boolean withAttachedRows)
at QueBIT.ReportWORQ.UnitTestsV5.Sandbox.ADW.foo46() in C:\Users\AndyWeiss\repos\ReportWORQ\QueBIT.ReportWORQ.UnitTestsV5\Sandbox\ADW.cs:line 70
at System.RuntimeMethodHandle.InvokeMethod(Object target, Void** arguments, Signature sig, Boolean isConstructor)
at System.Reflection.MethodBaseInvoker.InvokeWithNoArgs(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr) (25.0 KB)
Thank You,