Error while converting HTML to DOCX using Aspose.words Java



We use Aspose.words Java to convert html file to docx.
But, we are not able to convert a particular htlml file.
We are getting error when we try to convert.

even tried in Aspose word editor -

Please suggest ways we can mitigate this.

Please use the attached zip folder. (5.7 KB)


After an initial test with the licensed latest (21.6) version of Aspose.Words for Java, we were unable to reproduce any exception/error on our end (see Aspose.Words 21.6 generated output: awjava-21.6.docx (15.7 KB)). We used the following simple code to produce above Word DOCX document.

Document doc = new Document("C:\\Temp\\Error-file\\Error-file.html");"C:\\Temp\\Error-file\\awjava-21.6.docx");

So, we suggest you to please upgrade to the latest (21.6) version of Aspose.Words for Java.

Secondly, you are right; the online Aspose.Words editor displays followig error upon uploading this HTML file:

"Internal Server Error"

We will fix this problem as soon as possible.