Error while referencing

Hi Team,
I am generating a new document while updating existing document with operation of deletion and removal of some paragraphs.
Now if existing document is having reference to paragraphs and sections, In new document we are not getting expected results.
Either we are getting Error : Reference Not found, or it’s not getting updated.

For removing reference not found, we are locking field_ref before calling updatedfields() on document as suggested on above ticket.
We want to update fields if it founds in document if it does not found, we don’t want above error to be shown in document. we are getting issues in new docx file only, we are not converting to pdf.

Please suggest how to achieve the same.
Please use documents provided in linked ticket.


To handle the issue of “Reference Not Found” when updating a document with references to paragraphs and sections, you can follow these steps:

  1. Lock Fields: Before calling the UpdateFields() method on the document, ensure that you lock the fields that may not be found. This prevents errors from being displayed in the new document when references are missing.

  2. Update Fields: After locking the fields, you can safely call UpdateFields() on the document. This will update the fields without throwing errors for any missing references.

  3. Handle Missing References: If you want to suppress errors for references that are not found, you can implement a custom logic to check for the existence of the references before updating the fields. This can be done by iterating through the fields and checking if the referenced bookmarks or sections exist.

  4. Example Code: Here is a sample code snippet that demonstrates how to lock fields and update them:

    Document doc = new Document("path/to/your/document.docx");
    // Lock fields to prevent errors for missing references
    for (Field field : doc.getRange().getFields()) {
        if (field instanceof FieldRef) {
            ((FieldRef) field).setLocked(true);
    // Update fields in the document
    // Save the updated document"path/to/your/updated_document.docx");
  5. Testing: After implementing the above logic, test the document to ensure that it updates correctly without displaying errors for missing references.

By following these steps, you should be able to manage references effectively in your document updates without encountering “Reference Not Found” errors.

If you need further assistance, feel free to ask!

[1]: Working with Fields