Error with bookmark spanning a table row

I’m trialling your software and got the following error….
Run-time exception thrown : Aspose.Word.PleaseReportException - Start and end nodes should have the same grand parent node. Please report this file to
The code that throws this is

doc.Range.Bookmarks("bookMarkNAme").Text = ""

The bookmark that is been referred to spans 2 columns and one row in a table.
What I’m trying to achieve is the deletion of a row. I know you can delete a row by using the index of the table and the index of the row but how do you know what this index is??? I couldn’t figure that out so I tried deleting a bookmark spanning a row……
Any help would be muchly appreciated….

Hi Mark,
Deleting a table row can only be done by index using DocumentBuilder.DeleteRow at the moment. We plan to expose a more functional object model that allows easier manipulation of the document content in the future.
Roman Korchagin