Errors when post processing Aspose documents with Word

We have a VB6 application which does some post-processing of Aspose generated Word documents to handle some requirements that need page layout infomation (such as x,y location) that wasn’t supported until the new V13. One common error (I have never been able to reproduce it myself) that some users are experiencing is the following:

We have a global object called MYWP which is set prior to this code (we have a function that does the typical - try GetObject to the Word application first, then CreateObject). Then this instruction is used the open the document:

Set ActiveDocument = MyWP.Documents.Add(Template:=FName, NewTemplate:=False, Visible:=True)

FName is the Aspose generated file with filetype docx. Almost all the time it works fine, but sometimes a user will see one of the following errors:

Error=5981: Application-defined or object-defined error
Error=-2147023170: Automation error: The remote procedure call failed
Error=-2147023898: Automation error: Invalid access to memory location
Error=-2147417851: Automation error: The server threw an exception
Error=4605: The Add method or property is not available because the proofing dialog box is active
Error=462: The remote server machine does not exist or is unavailable

Any idea what we might be doing wrong?

Hi Steve,

Thanks for your inquiry. The errors you mentioned here do not seem to be directly related to Aspose.Words class library. Could you please remove Aspose.Words related code from your application and try figure out if these errors still remain. For example, in case you're invoking wrapper class methods via COM Interop, you can simply comment out the code in these wrapper class methods and see if the calls to these methods still return any errors? Please debug throw your code and let us know of your findings. Thanks for your cooperation.

Many thanks,