Hi ,
I have a case where I have to / want to use a GeoDb database with empty layers as an template for new GeoDb database.
Why ? The Template Geodb database contains all the fields and “domains” required and do not need to add these by coding.
What I have now:
the code looks for a template geodb , if exists , copies the databases to a new given name.
I open the dataset and layer , try add or modify feature.
using ( var layer = dataset.EditLayer("layerName",options,spSRS)
Aspose.Gis.Feature firstFeature;
firstFeature = layer.ConstructFeature();
firstFeature.SetValue("someField", someValue);
the line “layer.Add(firstFeature);” gives the error , not supported for readonly layer " .
Is this something that can be addressed by Aspose.GIS ?
Hi, @mcanavar
I need to explore your request. I’ll be back with an answer in a couple of days.
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I reproduced the error. I have created the GISNET-1405 task and will keep you updated.
Hi ,
Thank you for exploring my request and I’m glad you have come to the same conclusion.
I hope you can provide a fix soon.
Could you please look into support for " Field domains " and retrieving coded and range field domains support for this format.
If this is already supported in current version, could you provide an example.
GeoDB is a peer-to-peer big data sharing ecosystem powered by blockchain technologies.
I have created a ticket GISNET-1406 and update you here as soon as additional information is available.
Hi @Evgeniy.Timofeev,
Are we still talking about the same thing ? I was referring to the "ESRI File Geodatabase " and the “Field domains” feature to ensure valid input and reference to code / description tables.
Bit confused.
Thanks for clarifying. I corrected the issue.
Hi, @mcanavar
We made support edit layer for dataset. (GISNET-1405 task).
So, now you can update feature, add new feature at the end of file and remove feature.
It will be in next release.
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