"Evaluation Only" Watermark on Generated PPTX Thumbnails in C#, Even Though License Is Applied

We sometimes get a watermark on our generated PPTX thumbnails “Evaluation Only. Copyright 2004-2020 Aspose Pty Ltd”

using aspose slides V20.2

our License OrderID is 200511025946

our code that runs on load to set the License

//Instantiate the License class
Aspose.Slides.License license = new Aspose.Slides.License();
//Pass only the name of the license file embedded in the assembly
//Reset the applied license
//Get status if license is applied or not
bool isLicensed = license.IsLicensed();
if (!isLicensed)


The stated method isLicensed() is obsolete. Please share the details of the issue in the form of sample project that you are using and stating that it is giving watermark despite using license. Please also provide the license file with us privately using message option with us. I also urge you to please try using our latest version as well with your license file before sharing with us.

Is there some other way to determine if the product is licensed? Otherwise it will be impossible to determine if our code is working correctly.

Is there a secure way to share our license file?


The other way is to load the license file in a try-catch block. If exception is thrown on loading license, it means there is issue in loading license. If no exception is thrown, it means that license loading is successful.

You can click on my name icon in my post and then a popup will appear. Select the Message option to send the license file privately with me.

Did you fix it?
We have a same issue :frowning:


The issue has not been reproducible on our end. If you are persisiting with issue using Aspose.Slides for .NET 20.8 then please provide the sample project along with source file and generated output with us. For sharing the license file, please follow the guidelines below.


After reproducing the issue on my end, I have added a ticket with ID SLIDESNET-42179 to further investigate and resolve the issue. This thread has been linked with the issue so that you may be notified once the issue will be fixed.

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Any updates here? :frowning:
we have been waiting for a week, we need to launch the product


We found this issue to be a problem in signature of license file. Our sales team has sent the new license file to your registered email address. Can you please verify this on your end and in case there is still an issue then please share with our sales team in Aspose.Purchase forum by giving reference of this thread.

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It works :slight_smile: Thank you a lot


It’s good to know things are fine on your end.

we also have same issue.
we use .net core 3.1 and Aspose.Slides for .NET 20.12.0.

we use Embedded Resource method.

this is code:

public Startup(IConfiguration configuration)
Configuration = configuration;
Aspose.Slides.License lic = new Aspose.Slides.License();

maybe our license has expired? how can I confirm this problem?


You may please need to open the license file in notepad and find Expiry tag. Inside that, you will find license expiry date. I hope this will be helpful.

Hi @mudassir.fayyaz
We’ve ran into the same issue. The license is not expired. We use a lot of Aspose libraries, but we get watermark with “Evaluation only…” only with Aspose.Slides.
Here is sample code of our license activation. I don’t provide sample project because we reproduce the issue only on some production environments.

foreach (var assembly in AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies().Where(x => x.FullName.StartsWith("Aspose")))
	var licenseType = assembly.ExportedTypes.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Name == "License");
	if (licenseType == null)
	dynamic license = Activator.CreateInstance(licenseType);

Also I’m sending you privately our license file.


You can please share the license file privately with us for investigation. You can click on my name icon in my post and a Window will popup. Then you will see Message button. Press that to send the license file privately with us. Please notify us here once you have share the file privately so that we may pursue that.

I’ve already done that. Not sure if link to the message works for you either, but here it is https://forum.aspose.com/t/re-evaluation-only-watermark-on-generated-pptx-thumbnails-even-though-license-is-applied/223458


Thank you for sharing the information. I have received the license file and have associated that in our issue tracking system. We shall investigate that on our end will share feedback with you as soon as it will be addressed.

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We have investigated and checked the license file you provided via the following snippet initially.

public static void Main()
    License license = new License();

    using (Presentation pres = new Presentation())
        pres.Slides[0].GetThumbnail(new Size(960, 720)).Save("thumb.png", ImageFormat.Png);

The license is ok, no watermark in generated thumbnail image. Then, we have checked your license via this snippet:

static void Run()
    foreach (Assembly assembly in AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies().Where(x => x.FullName.StartsWith("Aspose")))
        Type licenseType = assembly.ExportedTypes.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Name == "License");
        if (licenseType == null)
        dynamic license = Activator.CreateInstance(licenseType);
    using (Presentation pres = new Presentation())
        pres.Slides[0].GetThumbnail(new Size(960, 720)).Save("thumb.png", ImageFormat.Png);

And again, license is ok, no watermark. So it seems that the issue related some of your specific code. Can you please upgrade version to the latest (if it is not already) and try using a simple standalone console application to test and see if this work or not.