Evaluation project has missing enum in Workbook.Save (Aspose.cell)


I downloaded the evaluation prject and noticed that the Workbook Class is missing some enums used in the project code.



The SaveType.OpenInExcel enum does not show up in the class so I can not compile your demo project. The Workbook.Save does not have any overloads that take 4 arguments.

Any help would be appreciated.

Mark Clark


We have verified SaveType.OpenInExcel is there and the Workbook.Save() method does have all its overloaded versions. I have checked the demo projects (which are installed) for the new version v5.0.0.0 using its MSI installer, check this:

the demo works fine.

Could you point out which demo project you using, we will check it soon.

Thank you.


I am using the Aspose.Cells.Demos (C# not VB.Net) proj that came with the eval version. The Apose.Cells version on the project is v5.0.0.0. Was there another location for getting the eval copy?


It was Visual Studio issue. I dropped the Aspose.Cells reference and re-added it. That solved the problem.

Thanks for the help!