Excel 2007 and 64k column support?

I’ve found a number of references asking about > 255 column support using Aspose.Cells. I’m currently planning on buying Cells anyway, but I’ve received an additional requirement for a different project that will require use of up to 500 columns in Excel 2007.

Has this been implemented yet or is there a timeline for when it will be done? If not, I can use another solution in the interim until Cells gets the implemented.

Thanks in advance,
Patrick van Staveren

Hi Patrick,

Thanks for considering Aspose.

Yes, we implemented your required feature (>65k rows, >256cols) sometimes ago.

Following code will work fine now with the new versions of Aspose.Cells.

Workbook workbook =new Workbook();
Worksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];
Cells cells = worksheet.Cells;
cells.Merge(0, 248, 1, 100);
cells[0,248].PutValue("Hello World!");
cells[1048575,16383].PutValue("Last Cell");

Thank you.