Excel behavior when selecting and expanding selection

Hi, when I use Excel and I select a Cell that contains some value (like '1'), if I move the mouse the the right lower corner of this cell the pointer will turn into a "+" sign, and then if I click and drag for the below cells, the content of these selected cells will change into 2, 3, 4 and so on.

Do you plan to do similar behavior in Grid.Web?



That is a good feature. We will discuss it and make a plan.

Thank you.

Thanks, I’ll be waiting for this!!! (And of course many users too :D)

Hi, do you have a plan for this issue?



We think this feature is difficult for us, and it will take us much more time. So we decided to implement it after we have complete some current urgent work. And by far, we have no explicit plan about it.

Thank you.