Excel Metadata - Get or Set Cell Custom Information in Java


How to use Excel Metadata, get or set cell’s custom information in Java? Is there is some way to set/get custom information (that is not presented by Excel)?

Best regards. Alexey


We only parse/process source files or underlying .xml data. Could you please elaborate which custom information of the cell you need to set/get. How this can be done in MS Excel manually? Also, please share some sample Excel file with its source xml data for reference. Moreover, share some screenshot(s) to highlight your requirements (documented in the source xml/html data). We will check it soon.

Hi, thank you for lightning fast response

But you dont understand my requirements. I need this information only for developer-side of book. I don’t expect to save it to template and restore after opening Excel. I just needed to write some

getCells().get("A1").setMetadata("I was here there");

and after ability to receive

String metaData = getCells().get("A1").getMetadata();

Best regards. Alexey


There is no such attribute available in the Cell class. I think for your requirements, you may try to use custom document properties to store (set/get) your desired custom data for your needs. See the document for your reference:

Hope, this helps a bit.


Moreover, you can also implement your needs with a hastable by yourselves.