Excel "File Error: Data may have been lost"

I have a small Excel file that was generated programmatically using Aspose.Cells When I try to load it in Excel, I get an Excel "File Error: Data may have been lost" message, but I can click OK and everything looks fine. There is no loss of cell color and the columns remain "autofitted".

I have a second virtually identical file that I can open without any problems.

What's the best way to diagnose what went wrong? I cannot easily reproduce this in a small demo app, but I saved the files.

Please try this attached version.

If you still find this problem, please post these two files here or send them to nanjing@aspose.com.

I need to make some decisions about whether to check-in this latest DLL, as we are approaching a product deadline. Are there fixes in the DLL related to data loss/corruption, in general?

Just for information, i have the same problem when i set a title on the secondValueAxis of a chart…

In this latest dll, we did fixed problem related to this issue. However, to make sure if it solve your problem, you'd better try it in a test machine. And please send your two files to me, thus I can check if this problem is fixed.

And currently setting titles on secondary axis is not supported yet. I will make it in the future release.

Using version for several days now, I am not seeing the Excel "data may be lost" error any longer. If I see it again, I will mail the files to you.


Hello, I’m using cells for java and see this error message when trying to set the title on a second value axis. Do you plan to have this fix in an upcoming java release?




In this latest dll, we did fixed problem related to this issue. However, to make sure if it solve your problem, you’d better try it in a test machine. And please send your two files to me, thus I can check if this problem is fixed.

And currently setting titles on secondary axis is not supported yet. I will make it in the future release.


Please try this fix.The bug of setting titles on the secondary axis with Aspose.Cells for Java has bean removed.

I am seeing this error again using Aspose.Cells 'File Error: Data may have been lost'.

The problem is the same thing that I saw in version When I try to load it in Excel, I get an Excel "File Error: Data may have been lost" message, but I can click OK and everything looks fine. There is no loss of cell color and the columns remain "autofitted".

This appears to have something to do with using Styles (yellow foreground, with an Excel comment) and may be related to using Styles in the last data column.


Thanks for considering Aspose.

Could you elaborate you question to send me sample code and file to trace the problem.

Well, Mr. Laurence is sick, hopefully he will get well soon and will be back in a couple of days.


Amjad Sahi

Aspose Nanjing Team

Yes. Please post your sample code and file here, or send them to nanjing@aspose.com . I will check it soon.

We upgraded to Aspose.Cells and cannot reproduce the problem. Is it possible that the upgrade fixed the problem, or might this still be an intermittent issue for us?

I think it must be that the new version fixes your problem.