Excel SVG Text Wrapping Issue in Charts

Using following code to save the SVG file in memorystream/FileStream.

m_chart As aExcel.Charts.Chart = m_worksheet.Charts(0)
Using inputStreamSVG = New MemoryStream()
m_ops_SVG= Aspose.Cells.Rendering.ImageOrPrintOptions()
m_chart.ToImage(inputStreamSVG, m_ops_SVG)

The output SVG file contains wrapping issue and is doesn’t looks exactly as that of the chart present in the excel. Atttached sampl excel document with SVG image for reference.
Excel.zip (53.1 KB)


Thanks for the template file and sample code segment.

Please try our latest version/fix: Aspose.Cells for .NET v18.5.3:

I have tested your scenario/case a bit using your template file and following sample code with v18.5.3, it woks fine and I do not find your mentioned issue in the output SVG file:
Sample code:

Dim wb As Workbook = New Workbook("e:\test2\Aspose SVG Issue.xlsx")
Dim sheet as Worksheet = wb.Worksheets(0)
Dim chart as Chart = sheet.Charts(0)
Dim options as ImageOrPrintOptions = New ImageOrPrintOptions()
options.SaveFormat = SaveFormat.SVG
chart.ToImage(@"e:\test2\out1.svg", options)

Let us know if you still find any issue.

Yes. we also used the latest version mentioned above but issue still persists. Apology. I didn’t mentioned that before.


Did you try v18.5.3 (the link is shared in our previous post)? Please make sure you are using v18.5.3 as this is the latest fix/version. I did try your scenario/case using your template file and it works fine and the output SVG (attached) is fine tuned. Please unzip the attached file and open it into the browser to confirm us.

Also, please try my sample code (below) with v18.5.3 and provide your output SVG and PDF files here.
Sample code:

'please update the file path accordingly.
Dim wb As Workbook = New Workbook("e:\test2\Aspose SVG Issue.xlsx")
Dim sheet as Worksheet = wb.Worksheets(0)
Dim chart as Chart = sheet.Charts(0)
Dim options as ImageOrPrintOptions = New ImageOrPrintOptions()
options.SaveFormat = SaveFormat.SVG
chart.ToImage(@"e:\test2\out1.svg", options)

file1.zip (2.2 KB)

Thank you for the response. I will try it on 18.5.3 but when we try to install the latest package Visual Studio is picking up 18.5.1 as latest one. Can you please help with it. Or provide link to downloads 18.5.3 binaries. Not able to access the link provided previously.


Well, v18.5.3 is a hotfix which is not uploaded to Nuget repos. The hofix was shared via dropbox. If you could not access/download it via dropbox in your environment, kindly do share your email id, I will post the fix via email.