Excel templates

I wonder if you have some samples for templates build in MS Excel.
In particular, I would like to see a template with pivot table in it.
Again, I am NOT looking for a .NET code which creates MS Excel with a pivot table
but template which has definition of pivot table in it and which will be populated dynamically.
I tried this by creating template with a simple table in it, say a table with 2 columns,
headers: FName, LName, first row &=[Data].[FName], &=[Data].[LName] correspondingly.
Then created a pivot table based on it. However, when running this template the table gets populated (that is [Data] gets resolved) but the pivot table does not.
It contains strings, i.e. definition of its cells data like “[Data].[FName]” instead of real data.


Thanks for your query.

We do not have specific samples containing Pivot table and smart markers. We demonstrate the Smart markers feature in general way for the users and the users should understand it (using sample code and general files) and utilize it in their scenarios/ cases in their own way using their own code and logic, etc. We recommend you to kindly see the documents in the section for your reference on Smart Markers feature.

The best way can be you add your data/table by specifying your smart markers. Now add pivot table based on your data source, the markers would also be displayed in the Pivot table too. See the attached sample file for your reference.

Please give it a try as suggested above with latest version/fix v19.7.x. If you still find any issue, kindly do create a simple console application (runnable), zip the project and post us here, we will check it soon. Also attach your template file and output file for reference. Moreover, kindly do use dynamic dataset/datatable in code to remove any interdependencies of external sources for smart markers, so we could evaluate/run your project seamlessly to consequently figure it out soon.
files1.zip (59.1 KB)