It looks like you are using different display settings of OS on your machine. Aspose.Cells works flawlessly when using 100% display settings of OS. Please make sure you are using 100% display settings (screen resolution) and then try your scenario/case and let us know your results.
That did it. Wow, why would display scaling settings affect the way the product works? How can I work around this? I have no idea or control over what display scaling an end user might have on their machine.
Aspose.Cells works perfectly in 100% display settings only when rendering images or PDF from Excel spreadsheets. To workaround it, you may simply add a line at the start of your program/code to ensure the code will use 100% display settings to get expected results: CellsHelper.DPI = 96;
We have tried number of options but could not reproduce this issue here. This issue is logged in our database for a detailed analysis. You will be notified here once any update is ready for sharing.
This issue is logged as: CELLSNETCORE-226 - Unnecessary whitespace rendered during Excel to EMF conversion
I played around a bit with CellsHelper.DPI and it seems to have no visible effect.
By default when I run the program it’s already set to 96. I tried setting it to 76, and some other values, and it has absolutely no effect on the resulting image.
The issues you have found earlier (filed as CELLSNETCORE-226) have been fixed in this update. This message was posted using Bugs notification tool by simon.zhao