


请参阅示例代码,使用 Aspose.Cells for Python 通过 .NET 完成您的任务以供参考。

import aspose.cells
from aspose.cells import Workbook, WorksheetCollection,  Worksheet, Cells 

# Load the Excel file
workbook = Workbook("e:\\test2\\Book1.xlsx")
# Initialize a string to store the contents
all_contents = ""

# Iterate through all worksheets in the workbook
for sheet_index in range(len(workbook.worksheets)):
    sheet = workbook.worksheets[sheet_index]    
    all_contents += f"Sheet: {sheet.name}\n"
    # Get all cells in the sheet
    cells = sheet.cells
    for row in range(cells.max_data_row + 1):
        for col in range(cells.max_data_column + 1):
            cell = cells.get(row, col)
            # Append the cell's value to the all_contents string
            all_contents += f"{cell.string_value}\t"
            all_contents += "\n"
        all_contents += "\n"  # Add a newline to separate sheets
