Exception: An entry with the same key already exists on loading Project file (C# .NET)

I’m using Aspose.Tasks v19.7.0 for C#, from nuget.
When I open the attached project file bruce test.zip (34.9 KB)
in MS Project 2013, it seems fine.
When I call just

Project p = new Project(filename);

it throws the exception “An entry with the same key already exists” (see full trace below). Of 134 files I’ve tried to process, 7 exhibit this same behavior.


“An entry with the same key already exists.”
at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentException(ExceptionResource resource)
at System.Collections.Generic.SortedList`2.Add(TKey key, TValue value)
at #=zv1G1kiNwBoQf5QrkeD8j_5BKOXfXjgFEmLmPet8=.#=zQJQQbJLC3yAo()
at #=zv1G1kiNwBoQf5QrkeD8j_5BKOXfXjgFEmLmPet8=…ctor(Stream #=zxFl1SIPtOT64, Stream #=zQA58LH4=, Stream #=zNwLW0YAWykpN, Stream #=zcJsZ_zBLI2hE, Int32 #=zimalV76ZGmP2, Int32 #=zYXtx8GOfFYMD, Int32 #=zNpaH4HT5EW9d, Int32 #=zyCcBmO90K5S0)
at #=zXoY$mf__IeHK7dkqQwn4itUa3dZyvxhL4xa2do4=.#=zELHVdeZVG0tw()
at #=zBkZj$$YIASiuXiVT2Pu3LGoS6Ojdj6Q2Orhaz4c=.#=zaz7bOGNI8CFZ()
at #=zXoY$mf__IeHK7dkqQwn4ivLwvpKofw928A==.#=zPtRetMQ=()
at #=zXoY$mf__IeHK7dkqQwn4ivLwvpKofw928A==.#=zPtRetMQ=(Project #=zoxtKFck=, Stream #=zRIfGZ_E=)
at #=z3sb42hPha$$uUe3mskVIH98=.#=zPtRetMQ=(Stream #=zRIfGZ_E=)
at Aspose.Tasks.Project.#=z$s5VwZBA7Kbp(Stream #=zRIfGZ_E=, ParseErrorCallback #=zp6uQQTSxIvvP, Encoding #=zqfHZ8W0=, PrimaveraXmlReadingOptions #=zyklA$AQ=)
at Aspose.Tasks.Project…ctor(String projectTemplate, ParseErrorCallback parseErrorHandler)
at Aspose.Tasks.Project…ctor(String projectTemplate)
at RtLogic.EpicorCommon.MPP.MSProjectUtils.LoadFileAspose(String filename) in C:\Users\bruce.bockius\Documents\Subversion\RTLEpicorDev-E10\RtLogic.EpicorCommon\MPP\MSProjectUtils.cs:line 40

Hello, @bbockius

Please attach all 7 files which AT cannot read, we will investigate them all.

Unfortunately they contain data I can’t release. I’ve paired down the one attached (and verified it still has the problem). I’m hopping it is the same problem for the others!


Ok then, we already fixed the issue and it will be released in Aspose.Tasks for .NET 19.8.

Excellent, thanks. I’ll let you know the status of the other files when I can test with 19.8.


Sure, thank you.