We are seeing below error frequently (at least few times in a day) when we reading the mails.
The operation ‘CAPABILITY’ terminated. Timeout ‘100000’ has been reached.-The operation ‘CAPABILITY’ terminated. Timeout ‘100000’ has been reached.
Stack Trace:
at Aspose.Email.Clients.Imap.ImapClient.BeginSelectFolder(IConnection connection, String folderName, Boolean readOnly, AsyncCallback callback, Object state) at Aspose.Email.Clients.Imap.ImapClient.SelectFolder(IConnection iConnection, String folderName, Boolean readOnly) at Aspose.Email.Clients.Imap.ImapClient.SelectFolder(String folderName)
Can you please suggest what needs to be done to fix it?
@srinudhulipalla ,
Can you please share source files along with sample code so that we may further investigate to help you out.
This is the code I use and it works all the times, suddenly the above mentioned error comes up. Is there limit in processing the number of emails?
License license = new License();
ImapClient oClient = new ImapClient();
oClient.Host = oRow["SMTPSERVER"].ToString().Trim();
oClient.Username = oRow["USERNAME"].ToString().Trim();
oClient.Password = oRow["USERPASS"].ToString().Trim();
oClient.Port = Convert.ToInt32(oRow["SMTPPORT"].ToString().Trim());
bool bSSLEnabled = Convert.ToBoolean(oRow["ENABLED"].ToString().Trim());
if (bSSLEnabled)
oClient.SecurityOptions = SecurityOptions.Auto;
ImapQueryBuilder builder = new ImapQueryBuilder();
MailQuery oQuery = builder.GetQuery();
ImapMessageInfoCollection messageInfoCol = oClient.ListMessages(oQuery);
for (int i = 0; i < messageInfoCol.Count; i++)
MailMessage oMsg = oClient.FetchMessage(messageInfoCol[i].UniqueId);
//save oMsg object details to DB
@srinudhulipalla ,
I have observed the issue shared. We are internally working over it and will get back to you with feedback as soon as possible.
@srinudhulipalla ,
I suggest you to please try setting Timeout property to some large value or -1 on your end. I also suggest you to please share a test account reproducing issue on your end as well, so that we may further verify issue on our end.
Is the Timeout link mentioned in above post valid? I couldn’t able to access it.
@srinudhulipalla ,
Yes, this link is valid and i am able to access this. can you pleas share what kind of problem you are facing when you tried to access this.
I can able to access it today, I was getting 404 page error yesterday. Thank you.
“Timeout value can not be less then value of NetworkTimeout property”
What is the meaning of above statement wrt. NetworkTimeout?
@srinudhulipalla ,
It’s good to know things are fine on your end.
I have shared the solution with you already for setting the TimeOut value in my previous post as well.
@srinudhulipalla ,
I suggest you to please try setting Timeout property to some large value or -1 on your end. I also suggest you to please share a test account reproducing issue on your end as well, so that we may further verify issue on our end.
I understand.
I have given the Timeout is -1.
But the below link says the property description as “Gets or sets the timeout for mail operations Please note: Timeout value can not be less then value of NetworkTimeout property”
I was trying to understand the part “Timeout value can not be less then value of NetworkTimeout property”. Can you please explain?
@srinudhulipalla ,
Please disregard this information as its obsolete. We will be removing this in next version too.
Ok Thank you.
I will set the mail client Timeout as -1
I hope this will not cause any other problems and solves the current ‘CAPABILITY’ terminated issue.
@srinudhulipalla ,
Yes, I hope it will resolve the issue.