I am trying your OCR library before purchase, and I have a problem with it for a net48 project.
(For net8.0 it’s working fine)
When using ‘api.Recognize(input);’ there is a null pointer exception that is thrown in the transitive library Microsoft.ML.OnnxRuntime.
Error is ‘The given version [14] is not supported, only version 1 to 10 is supported in this build.’
In your documentation, it states that Aspose OCR is compatible with .net48 so I’m writing to you for a solution.
You can easily reproduce the problem by modifying your example project ‘PerformOCROnImage’ and change the project framework to net48
How to run examples|Documentation →
I’m using the latest version 24.6.0 but I’ve tried lower version too with same error.
Thank you in Advance for the help.
Have a great day,