Exceptions on loading valid Excel file - every time


Thanks for your log file.

But the exception is out of our imaging. We could not get where it throws exception from log file.

Please try the attached debug version, we have added more log info.

Here is another version of the log file.


Thanks for providing us the needed log file, we will look into it and get back to you asap.

Any update?


I am afraid, there is no update for you at the moment.

I have logged your comment though and we will provide you update in next week because related developers are on holidays.


It's very strange.

We think the file should be generated fine without any exception after checking the log file.

Did you run the project in debug mode?

I cannot run it in debug mode because it tries to write the log file to the c:\ drive. It needs administrator privileges in order to do that so I have to use the executable directly.

If you make the log file write to ./ instead of c:\ I’ll be able to run it in debug mode.


We have logged your feedback/suggestion in our database.

We will get back to you asap.


Please try the attached debug version.

We have changed log file to "./log.txt".

Here is the new log.txt. I ran in debug mode, and got the exception.

Hopefully the log means something useful to you. It does not contain a stack trace so I’m not sure if it will be helpful. Can I suggest that you go into whatever catch blocks are in the saving code and write their contents to the log file? (It’s generally good practice to log exceptions in the first place).

It’s so strange.
We think the file “test2.xls” should be generated fine after checking log file.
Could check whether the generated file is fine?

Ok, I thought we covered this already…

It is not preventing the file from saving. The exception is thrown and caught all inside of the Apose.Cells.dll. The issue is that it causes the debugger to break (aka notify the user an exception was thrown) every single time an application that is using this component saves. This is the exact same scenario as was with the exceptions in new Workbook() that you already fixed.

As I already said, somewhere in your code you have try-catch blocks. You need to write the log file inside of the catch blocks. That is the way to track down where the exception is coming from.

Again, the file saves normally- the issue is that it causes the debugger to halt every time debugging an application that uses Aspose.Cells.


Please download and try this fix:
for .NET v7.1.0.4

Great! It finally works! Thanks!

The issues you have found earlier (filed as CELLSNET-40141) have been fixed in this update.

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