Exctract text from PDF using Aspose.PDF for .NET - number are disappear

hi. when i upload this file i have number are disappear.

i add the code example and the file

Gabriel_Shehtman_-_product_Manager (1).pdf (37.5 KB)

 Dim docHtml As New Aspose.pdf.Document(f.InputStream)
                  Dim textAbsorber As New TextAbsorber()
                  Dim extractedText As String = textAbsorber.Text

thank you :slight_smile:


Would you please elaborate a bit more about the issue that which numbers are disappearing in the extracted text. We were unable to notice any issue in our environment.


under the line Product Manager, EL - AL
when you open the pdf file you can find this line โ€œDec 2018 ยท Presentโ€

when i use the code i get โ€œDec 201โ€” ยท Presentโ€

the number 2018 became 201โ€“

thank you :slight_smile:


Thanks for sharing details.

We have managed to observe the similar issue in our environment with Aspose.PDF for .NET 20.4 and logged it as PDFNET-48101 in our issue tracking system. We will further look into its details and keep you posted with the status of its correction. Please be patient and spare us some time.

We are sorry for the inconvenience.

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