We are making use of PdfSaveOptions.exportDocumentStructure(true) to create tagged PDFs. This works well with the exception of absolute positioned elements in the document. When we have a document that has a table or image in it, and we drag the element (table or image) into a position that element will appear in the tags at the end of the page. This causes the document to fail our 508 compliance testing. When I save the document as PDF using Word (File → Save As → .pdf) These elements appear in the correct order in the pdf tags.
Not sure if this is something that can be addressed (tested with Aspose 23.10 for Java). I have attached sample documents that display the issue.
tagTest.docx (12.4 KB)
wordVersion.pdf (60.9 KB)
asposeVersion.pdf (26.8 KB)
We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.
Issue ID(s): WORDSNET-26365
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I was wondering if there is a way to check on this item, where it falls in the backlog?
@troy.l.parrish Unfortunately, the issue has been postponed and is not yet scheduled for development. Please accept our apologies for your inconvenience.
We are closing in on a year since this was reported. Any chance this gets looked at soon?
@troy.l.parrish I am afraid, the issue is still postponed and is not yet scheduled for development.
Hello, I am checking up on this topic - I am hoping this has landed somewhere for development.
@troy.l.parrish Unfortunately, there are no news regarding the issue yet.