We use Aspose.Words .Net version 21.7 with valid license to save document as Accessibility compliant PDF’s. Using “ExportDocumentStructure” in PdFSaveOptions we could retain the tags in pdf but would like to get what we only need.
Couple of expectations are:
We use layout tables (nested tables) to place two components side by side. We are not expecting the layout table tag structures to be exported to PDF’s but the items inside that table should be exported. LayoutTable expectation.png (42.6 KB)
Also, tables first row and first column is created with TH, which comes by default. We would like to have control over here only when we set it to happen. Table TH Expectation.png (43.7 KB)
We would like to Export Document Structure Tags in PDF according to above requirement. Much appreciated if we hear back earliest due to a close ETA in our end. Thanks in advance.
Attached a sample project to play around and suggest us what we are missing.LayoutTableTagStructure.7z (4.6 KB)
Ya, We did performed the expectations with MS Word. We were able to achieve the second point in our ask using TableStyleOptions. For the first one, we couldn’t get that. A confirmation would be great whether its doable or not.
Here is the document which holds our expected tag structure for your reference. More info from your end will be helpful ExpectedTagOutput.pdf (63.0 KB)
It is nice to hear from you that your problem has been solved.
We have logged new feature request as WORDSNET-22878 for your requirement in our issue tracking system. We will inform you via this forum thread once this feature is available. We apologize for your inconvenience.
Thanks for considering our requirement to work on.
How should i understand this feature request "Wordsnet-22878?
Whether you have found a solution to implement our requirement or the feasibility study is yet to be done?
A quick confirmation on this would be really helpful.
We have closed the issue WORDSNET-22878 with ‘Won’t Fix’ resolution. Instead of inserting one table into another, we suggest you please set the text wrapping of table as ‘Around’ and set their positions using Table.AbsoluteHorizontalDistance and Table.AbsoluteVerticalDistance properties. Please check the properties of Table class from here: