Export Excel to PDF using Aspose.Cells - text is cut in .NET

Hi Team,

Exporting Cell to PDF is cutting text horizontally at page break. We are using aspose-cells-16.12.0.jar.

Is there any work around for this issue ? We are seeing same issue with latest aspose-cells-18.11.jar as well.

Line is broken horizontally into two. First half is in page1 and second half is printed in next page. You can see that in attached screenshot.

image.png (14.6 KB)

Thanks in advance for your help.



Thanks for your query.

Please share your sample Excel file, code snippet and output PDF file with us for our testing. We will reproduce the problem and provide our feedback after analysis.

Hi ahsaniqbalsidiqui,

Please find the code snippet, Excel output and PDF output.

Thanks for your help.

TEST.pdf (142.4 KB)
TEST.zip (144.2 KB)


We were able to observe the issue but we need to look into it more. We have logged the issue in our database for investigation and for a fix. Once, we will have some news for you, we will update you in this topic.

This issue has been logged as

CELLSJAVA-42763 - Export PDF is cutting text horizontally

Hi ahsaniqbalsidiqui,

Thanks for your help.

We are going live in a week. Could you please check and let me know if there is any workaround ?



I have logged your concern with the logged ticket. We will discuss the matter and provide our feedback once ready to share.


Please check attached file “TEST_By_Microft Excel 2016.pdf” saved by Microsoft Excel 2016, you will find the text is also cut between page 2 and page 3. It is because that page breaks are in merged cell area (e.g. merged cell A9), text line in the merged cell will have the choice being at the page break, so the text line will be cut between pages. TEST_By_Microft Excel 2016.pdf (201.5 KB)

A workaround is splitting the large merged cell area to several areas to let pages breaks outside the merged cell instead of in the merged cell.

See the document with example code for your reference:

Hope, this helps.