Export multiple custom objects to same worksheet

I am trying to export two custom object collections to the same worksheet. sheet.Cells.ImportCustomObjects(cases, 0, 0, options); sheet.Cells.ImportCustomObjects(milestones, 3, 0, options);

The first import call is always successful, the second always fails with index out of bounds…even if I move the order of the statements. how do I make this work?

Hi Marc,

Thank you for considering Aspose, and welcome to Aspose.Cells support forum.

I am afraid, it is hard to detect the problem cause without your template files and source code. Therefore, I would request you to please give a try to our latest fix version of Aspose.Cells for .NET v7.6.0.6 and see if it makes any difference. In case your said problem persists, please provide us your sample files along with your runnable source code for our review. We will look into this matter at earliest possible.