Export PDF in CMYK Colorspace using Aspose.PDF

Received : 2007/10/10 03:40:54
Message : I need to make a pdf in cmyk, with cmyk images text etc. I tried the evaluation version of Aspose.pdf, but the resulting pdf is mixed rgb and cmyk. Is that because the evaluation text in the pdf is in rgb?

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Please provide your code (or project). Our support developer will generate a PDF without watermark and let you check it.

            Pdf pdf = new Pdf();<br>                pdf.PageSetup = new PageSetup();<br>                pdf.PageSetup.PageHeight = 50;<br>                pdf.PageSetup.PageWidth = 100;<br><br>                Section sec = new Section();<br>                pdf.Sections.Add(sec);<br>                <br>                <br>                Image back = new Image(sec);<br>                sec.Paragraphs.Add(back);<br><br>                back.ImageInfo.ImageFileType = ImageFileType.Jpeg; <br>                back.ImageInfo.File = "test.jpg";<br>                back.RotatingAngle = 45;<br>                <br>                pdf.Save("tester.pdf");<br><br>-----------------------<br>test.jpg have to be a cmyk image(attached)<br><br>


Thank you for considering Aspose.

Please find attached Pdf file for you reference.


It seems like the image is converted to RGB in the pdf. Is that the case?


I am not sure about this but I think it is in CMYK colorspace. I have checked it by using the Adobe Reader Tools->PrintProduction->Convert Colors.. option. Can you please tell me how did you identify that it is RGB colorspace or CMYK Jpeg?


I think we have not chenged the colorspace when adding JPEG image into Pdf.

It is I converted the image to cmyk in photoshop. I really need to know that it is possible to keep it in cmyk with aspose, because I am generating pdfs for print.

Just as Adeel mentioned, we don’t know how to check if the image is CMYK in PDF. I think we have not changed the color space when adding JPEG into PDF. Can you please tell us how you check it?

The case is that I’m not sure how to check it myself. Tried using Illustrator. I think the pdf you provided is cmyk, but I was hoping that you had some knowledge about this. The company that is printing this needed cmyk.

I think this can be checked by Preflight in Adobe Acrobat. I checked it and found the image is cmyk.


We would like to share with you that you can convert images in PDF to CMYK color by converting PDF documents to PDF/X_1a format. Please use following Document.Convert() method:

Export PDF in CMYK Colorspace

pdfDocument.Convert(dataDir+"CMYK_SVG.log", PdfFormat.PDF_X_1A, ConvertErrorAction.Delete);