Export tasks to MS Project


I have problem in version Aspose 8.4.1 (file files.zip, attach solution AsposeTest).
See files “correct - aspose 7.2.0.xml” (Task uid=2) and “bad - aspose 8.4.1.xml” (Task uid=1). In old Aspose version file “correct - aspose 7.2.0.xml” not exists xml-nodes for task , , , , , , it’s file is correct. How sets fileds Stop, Resume, EarlyStart, EarlyFinish, LateStart, LateFinish for task is null?

Hi Anton,

I have performed few tests as follows:
  1. Created a single task using MS Project and saved the resultant XML file. Although I did not set , , and , but these xml-nodes are present there in the XML file.
  2. Using Aspose.Tasks for .NET 8.4.1, created a single task and found that the above mentioned four xml-nodes are present along with the additional two xml-nodes and .
It seems that insertion of four xml-nodes is the default behaviour where as the only issue is that using Aspose.Tasks for .NET 8.4.1, two extra nodes and are added. Could you please provide your feedback on this, so that the issue of adding two additional nodes can be logged for and ?