Export to images (png/svg) with overprint

Could you tell me if Aspose.Pdf .Net supports saving pdf into images (e.g. png, svg) with overprinting?


You can surely use Aspose.PDF to convert PDF Pages into Images. However, if you face any issue, please feel free to let us know.

I checked it and, yes, I can convert pdf into images. However, I have some pdf files which are created with overprint. And for those files I receive blank images (or images without full content)

As overprint I mean option from Acrobat Reader preferences: Page display/Use overprint preview


Could you please share one sample PDF document of this kind. We will test the scenario in our environment and address it accordingly.

I sent it via wetransfer


We did not find or receive any file. Would you kindly share the download link of the file. You may also share it in a private message by clicking over username and pressing Blue Message Button.


We have logged an enhancement ticket as PDFNET-48175 in our issue tracking system for the implementation of your requirements which we discussed in private messages. We will further investigate the feasibility of the feature and keep you posted with the status of its availability. Please be patient and spare us some time.

We are sorry for the inconvenience.

Great, thanks a lot for help