Export to SVG

Which image file formats can be exported to SVG?

However, SVG does not appear in the Supported Export Format List. Why not?

Can raster formats be converted to SVG? If so,

  • Are there any code samples showing how?
  • Does the conversion do tracing to convert from raster to vector, or does it merely embed a bitmap into the SVG?

Thank you.

Hi Kenneth,

Thank you for your inquiry.

This is to update you that the feature you are looking for is not available. A feature request has been logged into our system with ID IMAGINGNET-2154. Your concerns have also been noted. Our product team will look into it and provide feedback. We will update about the progress via this forum thread.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as ) have been fixed in this Aspose.Words for JasperReports 18.3 update.