I'm using Aspose.Grid, in this i have to export only one row to the data table. But for this I have to export all the worksheet to the data table, which is taking time. Is there any way to export only the selected row to the data table in the worksheet?
I'm using this code:
Public Function ExportDataEntryDataTable(ByVal grdData As GridDesktop, ByRef ldtAllData As DataTable, Optional ByVal lintColCount As Integer = 0) As DataTable
ldtAllData = grdData.Worksheets(0).ExportDataTable(0, 0, grdData.Worksheets(0).RowsCount, lintColCount, True, True)
'ldtAllData = grdDataEntry.Worksheets(0).ExportDataTable(0, 0,grdDataEntry.Worksheets(0).RowsCount, 24, True, True)
_DuplicateFundData = ldtAllData
Return ldtAllData
Catch ex As Exception
Return Nothing
End Try
End Function