I found that Aspose.PSD supports for Clipping Mask in this document.
However, when I tried it, clipping mask effect doesn’t works.
The output of PNG file is similar with when clipping mask effect doesn’t exist.
image.jpg (63.4 KB)
The real file looks like this, but exported PNG file looks like this.
image.png (7.4 KB)
This is similar when I disabled clipping mask effects for specific layer.
image.jpg (59.0 KB)
I imported file using this code.
PsdLoadOptions imageLoadOptions = new PsdLoadOptions();
PsdImage psdImage = (PsdImage)Image.load(allPath, imageLoadOptions);
and I use this code for export to png.
PngOptions saveOptions = new PngOptions();
psdImage.save(filePath + fileName, saveOptions);
I will share for this problematic file.
masking_effect_test.zip (59.0 KB)
This is a very important factor in purchasing your solution to our company…
So I hope there is a solution for this problem.
Thanks a lot!