Hi, <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
I would like to attach additional documents to a pdf file generated using Aspose.Cells. It is possible to enhance the pdf functionality of Aspose.Cells to specify these documents within the SaveOptions Property of the Workbook class? If there would be such a property I could just draw up my excel file, specify the needed attachments and finally save the workbook in pdf format.
How can I perform this task using Aspose.PDF? I can’t find any method to open / load an existing pdf document.
"I would like to attach
additional documents to a pdf file generated using Aspose.Cells. It is
possible to enhance the pdf functionality of Aspose.Cells to specify
these documents within the SaveOptions Property of the Workbook class?
If there would be such a property I could just draw up my excel file,
specify the needed attachments and finally save the workbook in pdf
We are not very sure about your need. Could you elaborate and explain your demand more. I think you can provide us some examples for your scenario or sample files to explain it more.
“How can I perform this task using Aspose.PDF? I can’t find any method to open / load an existing pdf document.”
I think you can post your query to Aspose.PDF forum so that the Aspose.PDF team might help you soon.
Hi, <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
Please take a look at the following example file to clarify the issue. First of all I create a report in excel and save the resulting file in pdf format. During this process, some additional files are created. These files belong to the report and should therefore be a part of the main file.
Right now we attach all needed files to the report (using Adobe Acrobat.Writer). So the managing board uses the slides of the report and the advisors uses the attached files for their daily work.
It would be useful, if the attachment process would be supported by Aspose.Cells.
Well, from your files, I think the image is created using Chart-to-Image feature and the pdf file is generated using Xls2Pdf feature, is not it? Both are separate features.
Anyways, we will check it and get back to you soon.
<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
I used the image just to show the desired result in Adobe.Acrobat. The result should look like the provided pdf file with the enclosed additional files.
Hi,<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
please take a look at this post to clarify the issue. It would be nice If I could specify all needed files (maybe add them to a collection), call the save method with the format option pdf and finally get my pdf file with all attachments so that I don’t have to use the Aspose.Pdf.Kit.Editor.
Our developers of Excel -to- Pdf feature are on leave for their annual spring festival. They will get back to work in the next week, so we could look into it then.
We have analyzed it a bit. Well, to merge/attach multiple pdf files together is not the main purpose of Aspose.Cells for .NET, so I am afraid we cannot support it. Aspose.Cells for .NET only provides Excel -to- Pdf feature for the users, so, you can convert Excel files to Pdf format using its API.
I think you should perform your desired task by using some other tools like Aspose.Pdf.