Extended Attributes Missing


Thanks for fixing the object not found problem. I'm now able to read MPP files; however, I am unable to find any 'extended attributes' both at the project and task levels.

I'm using project 2002 and have saved the MPP file as XML and am able to see all of the extended attributes. I know they should be in the project document.

Is there anything special that allows the extended attributes to be read?




Just to clarify. I have now used MSP 2002 (MPP); MSP 2003 (MPP); MSP 2007 (XML) and various combinations. I am unable to see any extended attribute defs at the project level and the EA for the task level.

The good news is that I'm able to open the files and see the resources and tasks.

Have any other people had the same problem or is it something I've done?

Regards, Bruce


Reading extended attributes was implemented for XML format. For MPP it’s under development yet and the only available properties are Baselines.


Any idea when 'extended attributes' will be read for MPP files?

If there is any way I can help test this, let me know it is an important capability for me!! (I'm pleased with the design approach you have taken).

Regards, Bruce

Hello Bruce,

There are not all attributes found in mpp files yet but we will try to provide access to them in September.


Thanks for your response. Anything is appreciated in this area ...

I only use a few EA fields ... Number20, Text29, Text30 (resources and tasks).

Most of these are used to synchronise a list of activities / resources in my app. This way I can compare and order..

Anything else is just passed through. (I really don't need anything complex - just some basics).

Thanks again for your support!!

Regards, Bruce

I would appreciate seeing these available in MPP files too.

Hi everyone, i was just wondering when Aspose Tasks will be able to show the extended attributes in a loaded MPP file?



This feature has been implemented for OutlineCode, Number and Text extended attributes for mpp reading. After some testing, i will let you know.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as 9912) have been fixed in this update.

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The issues you have found earlier (filed as ) have been fixed in this Aspose.Words for JasperReports 18.3 update.