Extra Bookmarks encountered


I got this simple document file with 3 bookmarks added via Microsoft Word. When loaded into Aspose.Word, it gives me 4 bookmarks in the Range.Bookmarks. The last one duplicated but with path value “_GoBack”. It is not all documents have this, please advice.

Example code:

foreach(Bookmark bmark in doc.Range.Bookmarks)

Please find the attachment sample word document.

Hi Pei Ying,

Thanks for your inquiry. Your document contains four bookmarks, please see the attached image for detail. There is a hidden bookmark with name “_GoBack”. You can ignore or remove such bookmarks by using following code snippet. Hope this answers your query. Please let us know if you have any more queries.

Document doc = new Document(MyDir + "AAA.docx");
foreach(Bookmark bm in doc.Range.Bookmarks)
    if (bm.Name == "_GoBack")
    // your code...


foreach(Bookmark bm in doc.Range.Bookmarks)
    if (bm.Name == "_GoBack")
    // your code...