Extract PDF Signature

Hi, I would like to extract the actual signature of the PDF.

I saw this method ByteRange | Aspose.PDF for .NET API Reference

ByteRange from the Signature object. I guess the pdf should be opened in binary mode and and this ByteRange should be extracted to get the actual signature right?

Does one know how to get the other parameters of the Signatures like Hash algorithm, signature algorithm etc?

thank you


We need to investigate this request. Can you please share your sample PDF with us so that we can log an investigation ticket and share the ID with you?

Hi yes of course.

Please find attached the zip that contains the self-signed certificate with password YourSecurePassword

The Zip contains also the extracted certificate output from ExtractCertificate call on the FieldSignature.

The ByteRange property contains 4 integers: [ 0, 754250, 758772, 378 ]

and the original pdf and the signed one.

ConsoleAppPADES.zip (3.3 KB)
Hello World.pdf (32.8 KB)
Hello-World-Signed.pdf (741.4 KB)


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