Hi, I’m trying to check if a pdf page contains any text. When calling Aspose.Pdf.Text.TextAbsorber.Visit(Page page) I get the following exception:
Overflow or underflow in the arithmetic operation.
System.ArithmeticException: Overflow or underflow in the arithmetic operation.
at . ()
at . (BaseOperatorCollection , Resources )
at . ()
at …ctor(Page , TextSearchOptions , Boolean )
at Aspose.Pdf.Text.TextAbsorber.Visit(Page page)
at DDiAsposeHelper.AsposeHelper.ContainsText(Page page) in D:\Workspaces\Development\3.x\iProducts\Source\Extensions\AsposeHelper\DDiAsposeHelper\AsposeHelper.cs:line 368’
I have a c# COM server that is used from Delphi. The exception dos not occur on the first use but it looks like on the third use and any subsequent use of the function.
The function in the dll loads de pdf document and checks if the pages contain text.