Extract Text with Style from PowerPoint Presentation and Put It to Excel in C#

Need to extract and put all the text contents with style of ppt file to excel using .net
I am able to extract text and i have dump text to excel but not able to apply text properties. Each slide should contain separate sheet

Thank you for posting your requirements.

The IParagraph and IPortion interfaces provide the ParagraphFormat and PortionFormat properties respectively. You can use them to retrieve the applied text style. Aspose.Slides does not work with Excel documents to change text properties, you should use Aspose.Cells for that.

Manage Text|Aspose.Slides Documentation

If this does not help you, please describe the issue in more detail and share the following:

  • sample presentation file
  • expected output Excel document
  • code example that you used to extract text from presentations

Thanks for quick response.
I am extracting font of Tesxt from presentation using below code but i am getting blank value

var runProps = portion.PortionFormat;
string fontName = runProps.LatinFont != null ? runProps.LatinFont.FontName : runProps.EastAsianFont != null ? runProps.EastAsianFont.FontName : "";

for fonName="Helvetica Neue"

You should extract the effective values like this:

var runProps = portion.PortionFormat.GetEffective();

ok thanks.

var runProps = portion.PortionFormat.GetEffective();

How to get Color of text? i was trying below code but getting error does not contain definition for color.

string fontColor = runProps.FillFormat.SolidFillColor.Color.ToString();

You can get the color of text as follows:

string fontColor = runProps.FillFormat.SolidFillColor;