Extracted images are upside down

When I extract images from a PDF file using the following code, the images are upside down.

PdfExtractor extractor = new PdfExtractor();
extractor.StartPage = 1;
extractor.EndPage = numPages;

int imageNum = 0;
while (extractor.HasNextImage())
String destPath = txtFilename.Text + “img” + imageNum + “.jpg”;
log("wrote " + destPath);

According to http://www.aspose.com/community/files/51/.net-components/aspose.pdf.kit-for-.net/entry225210.aspx, this has been fixed in 4.2.0. I am using and it’s still an issue.

Hi Maricris,

I would like to share with you that similar kind of issues might occur with different files, in spite of the fact that they were fixed in the previous versions. We’ll have to investigate the issue with your particular scenario. You’ll be notified with the results the earliest possible.

We’re sorry for the inconvenience.

Hi Maricris,

I have reproduced this problem at my end and logged it as PDFKITNET-25376 in our issue tracking system. Our team will look into this issue and you’ll be updated via this forum thread once it is resolved.

We’re sorry for the inconvenience.

Hi Shahzad, thank for the quick reproduction and reply. I’ll await the results. Thanks.