Extracting Image from Funnel chart in Excel - Wrong Numbers

Hi There,

I am using Aspose.Cells .NET v24.2.0 to convert an excel chart to image. The chart is based on custom functions that we calculate. After calculating the custom functions, the result excel file shows the chart with correct numbers, but when extracting the chart to an image (“jpeg”, “jpg”, even pdf) using chart.ToImage(outputPath) or chart.ToPdf(outputPath) the upper part of the funnel chart has the wrong number. When I change the chart type from ‘funnel’ to ‘column’ the numbers look OK.
Chart from xl after calculating:
image.png (13.4 KB)
Image extract from chart:
image.png (20.5 KB)

Any ideas?



Would you like to provide your sample file and executable Console project? We will check it soon.


We have created a sample file funnelTest.7z (9.9 KB) with the same data as yours, and when converting the chart to an image and PDF, the results are normal. Please see the attachment.

Workbook workbook = new Workbook("funnelTest.xlsx");

ToImage result:
image.png (1.3 KB)
ToPDF result:
PDF.pdf (18.5 KB)

Since you mentioned custom functions, we suspect there may be other issues. If the problem persists, please provide your Excel file. We will check, Thanks!