var doc = new Document(dataDir + "12345.pdf");
doc.Convert(new MemoryStream(), PdfFormat.PDF_A_1B, ConvertErrorAction.Delete);
doc.Save(dataDir + "12345-out.pdf");
generated a valid PDF/A document.
Without a license, an exception is thrown: System.IndexOutOfRangeException: “At most 4 elements (for any collection) can be viewed in evaluation mode.” - which is due to the limitations of the trial version.
I mean we have a valid license so that is not the issue.
The exact library we are using is Aspose.PDF.Drawing 24.6.0. Maybe that makes the difference?
Otherwise our code is the same as yours.
I just noticed that when hosted in windows it works but when hosted via linux containers it breaks.
For a .Net 6 project in a new empty Linux container, the error was reproduced.
I added 2 font files to the container and a line in the project indicating their presence - the exception was no longer thrown. forFontsInLinux.png (5.3 KB)
@sergei.shibanov Hi okay thank you, I will try that out.
In the meantime i noticed i forgot to attach that we actually received the following exception during the conversion:
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at #=zEOjWsUrBUL8Pcj_V6fVdf0tYyyOFHN5IuNJuJpLK$1LP_CjCFiogs_U=.#=zK1YpxYG62wtlOGyHpA==(#=zZk39x5RElUaoOVKSE_kII5BgCQOqmpAvfyIFAec5nTlP #=z9KTUyJ4HqqwQ, #=zsEvhBYvv6m7RKPi4dKXlqrk= #=zV4ENanOcvXoZ)
at #=zH7fooEKnY6zLJ4MnVJyKf1FQWI1bigpVII37_sqJlNo85zvObm7qrgs=.#=zNcm$slQ_YPgL(#=zsEvhBYvv6m7RKPi4dKXlqrk= #=z6eNsxxg=, #=zhKkWmN1qtQx$vslPB9K3dozSvvVkWdlpg_G$KoUzyEcAth165Q== #=zDZlq7k8=)
at #=zH7fooEKnY6zLJ4MnVJyKf1FQWI1bigpVII37_sqJlNo85zvObm7qrgs=.#=zUsqodKm6gf$not5kwA==(#=zxRA8_c_KPEAHOYMbkKxHmIv2X5olN7ZnSRN_UMuqjarp #=z6eNsxxg=, String #=zXvPMbsE=, #=zhKkWmN1qtQx$vslPB9K3dozSvvVkWdlpg_G$KoUzyEcAth165Q== #=zXvkG8WM=)
at #=zH7fooEKnY6zLJ4MnVJyKf1FQWI1bigpVII37_sqJlNo85zvObm7qrgs=.#=z$Ezw_RghawT2(#=zxRA8_c_KPEAHOYMbkKxHmIv2X5olN7ZnSRN_UMuqjarp #=z6eNsxxg=, String #=zduxLmFg=, String #=zXvPMbsE=, #=zhKkWmN1qtQx$vslPB9K3dozSvvVkWdlpg_G$KoUzyEcAth165Q== #=zXvkG8WM=)
at #=zH7fooEKnY6zLJ4MnVJyKf1FQWI1bigpVII37_sqJlNo85zvObm7qrgs=.#=zyWrOvVk7WnI4(#=zUG$YB4E5etq4hfKqbcLU4zdHSQ27OMF0CtYg4olmcR9V_U0DUA== #=zkYzAI2M=, #=zNocssjZtn5SQyuMKh3jiwzL51G35Bp6gD9MhMlPDq_rfu7rc3Q== #=zKYVNWquIYgyk, #=zZk39x5RElUaoOVKSE_kII5BgCQOqmpAvfyIFAec5nTlP #=z6eNsxxg=, Int32 #=zs1$g2Qk3j90u, #=zhKkWmN1qtQx$vslPB9K3dozSvvVkWdlpg_G$KoUzyEcAth165Q== #=zXvkG8WM=)
at #=zH7fooEKnY6zLJ4MnVJyKf1FQWI1bigpVII37_sqJlNo85zvObm7qrgs=.#=zJC_WLvcHg9m8(#=zUG$YB4E5etq4hfKqbcLU4zdHSQ27OMF0CtYg4olmcR9V_U0DUA== #=zkYzAI2M=, #=zNocssjZtn5SQyuMKh3jiwzL51G35Bp6gD9MhMlPDq_rfu7rc3Q== #=zKYVNWquIYgyk)
at #=zH7fooEKnY6zLJ4MnVJyKf1FQWI1bigpVII37_sqJlNo85zvObm7qrgs=.#=zhZ5wbcs=()
at #=zH7fooEKnY6zLJ4MnVJyKf1FQWI1bigpVII37_sqJlNo85zvObm7qrgs=.#=zwNSm6Aw=()
at #=zZqsNo3GMBPPdWMeqAkqvFPFZhDn87f8VZt5Qq2oCIcJGVA6DtrAkUu8=.#=zD04sohU=()
at #=zH7fooEKnY6zLJ4MnVJyKf1FQWI1bigpVII37_sqJlNo85zvObm7qrgs=.#=zOwHks24=(XmlTextWriter #=zmswCD_A=, PdfFormat #=zUWJSRPQ=, Document #=zyal4fvY=, Boolean #=zMgXPSA090REv, ConvertErrorAction #=zYc3OMXs=)
at Aspose.Pdf.Document.Convert(Stream outputLogStream, PdfFormat format, ConvertErrorAction action)
Unfortunately, at the moment I do not have the opportunity to decrypt the attached stack trace. But I again maked the .Net6 project with Docker, and even if I just add the Fonts folder with font files, the conversion works, if I remove it, an exception occurs.
And by the way, I’ll create a task for the development team so that a FontNotFoundException is thrown, not a NullReference one.
We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.
Issue ID(s): PDFNET-57695
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We don’t throw FontNotFoundException when converting. If there is no font, we simply write an error to the log with the Convertable=“False” attribute, and the conversion fails.
This is an error that occurs when there are no fonts. We plan to fix this in the 24.08 release
With this approach i assume we can still point to the folder where we copy the fonts right? So as per my example new FolderFontSource(“usr/share/fonts”), right?
The error is that when there are no fonts in the system during conversion, an exception occurs. And it should “write an error to the log with the Convertable=“False” attribute, and the conversion fails”. This is exactly what will be fixed in 24.08: behavior when there are no fonts in the system.
But for conversion you still need fonts and you can use the option you mentioned for this.
@sergei.shibanov So I tried a few approaches and it only worked once both Arial and Times fonts were included in the fonts folder. However we also have font subsitution defined from timesnewroman to arial, but it still failed when times font was not in font source. Is this expected?
To use font substitution you should use the line like
// Replace the inaccessible MinionPro-Regular with the user chosen font
FontRepository.Substitutions.Add(new SimpleFontSubstitution("MinionPro-Regular", "Arial"));
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