Failed removes link from PDF that creates with win word with save as PDF

i’m working with Aspsose latesr version 23.8, and when I try to remove links from PDFs that were created with Winword 365 I get null in goToURIAction for link
and when I open the output file in Acrobat Reader, the link still remain where I’m wrong or how can I remove the link complete?
this is my code:

private void neutralizeAnnotationURIAction(CleaningResponse response, CleanOptions ops, GoToURIAction action) {
            if (action != null) {
                logger.finer("Found a non-null action. Removing.");
                action.setURI(" ");
            }else {
			    logger.warrning("NUll action reciveed.");
private void handleAnnotations(Document doc, CleaningResponse response, CleanOptions ops) {
        for (Page page: doc.getPages()) {
            AnnotationCollection Annotations= page.getAnnotations();
            for (Annotation annot :Annotations ) {
                try {
                switch (annot.getAnnotationType()) {
                        case Link:
                            LinkAnnotation la = (annot instanceof LinkAnnotation ? (LinkAnnotation) annot : null);
                            logger.finer("Found LinkAnnotation in document.");
                                try {
                                    GoToURIAction goToURIAction = (GoToURIAction) la.getAction();
                                    neutralizeAnnotationURIAction(response, ops, goToURIAction);

                                }catch (Exception e)
									logger.warrning("Failed parsing link Annot reason  + " + e.getMessage());
                    case RichMedia:
                        logger.finer("Found RichMediaAnnotation in document.");
                        //do something
                    case Movie:
                        logger.finer("Found MovieAnnotation in document.");
                        //do something
                    case Sound:
                        logger.finer("Found SoundAnnotation in document.");
                        //do something
                    case Screen:
                        logger.finer("Found ScreenAnnotation in document.");
                        //do something
                    case FileAttachment:
                        logger.finer("Found FileAttachment in documnet");
                        //do something
                }catch (Exception e) {
					logger.warrning("exception in Annotation due to reason " + e.getMessage());

test.7z (34.5 KB)


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