Failed to add appointment to pst


I am using Aspose.Email.dll (6.3).I want to add appointment to pst file.
for some appointment entries when I do

Aspose.Email.Mail.MailMessage mailMsg = new Aspose.Email.Mail.MailMessage();

it is giving me following error
Length cannot be less than zero.
Parameter name: length
ERROR2016-03-29 11:42:00 - Stack Strace :: at System.String.Substring(Int32 startIndex, Int32 length)
at ? .(List`1 )
at ? .(Stream )
at Aspose.Email.Mail.AlternateView.(String , Encoding , ContentType , TransferEncoding )
at Aspose.Email.Mail.Appointment.(? , String )
at Aspose.Email.Mail.Appointment.RequestApointment()

Shital Diwate


Thank you for contacting Aspose Support team.

We have tested this issue at our end with a sample appointment from Outlook and no such error is raised as you have specified. The issue seems specific to your sample file only. Please share your source appointment file with us that we can use to reproduce the issue at our end and assist you further.